Nourished Mama: Finding Abundant Energy in Motherhood


Prioritize your wellness in body, mind and environment.

Discover realistic ways to integrate more vitality into your life without adding more stuff, responsibilities or things to your to do list. This is where your vitality seriously blossoms.

No longer will you be fighting depletion, exhaustion or moodiness.

You will soon be bursting with energy and optimism instead!

This book goes deep into the essentials of how to holistically nourish your body and mind in ways that will completely transform your life.

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When you are thriving, there is suddenly so much more love, joy and ease in motherhood, relationships and life overall. Clarity is the essential first step toward this.

A little more about this soon-to-be-released book:

After examining how to reshape the patriarchal and societal elements that so often restrict modern day motherhood in her debut title, The Motherhood Reset, Dr Hilary Claire grew fascinated by another phenomenon inhibiting many of her patients’ ability to thrive. Nourishment. Or lack thereof.

In Nourished Mama, she dives even more deeply into the intrusive complexities that mothers face; this time tackling the largely toxic landscape that we all live in. In the modern world, we are living drastically misaligned with our DNA – and mothers are very much paying the price for this.

Using her years of experience as a clinical psychologist, her training in nutritional and environmental medicine, and her own mothering path, Dr Hilary Claire explores why so many mothers endure a prolonged lack of energy and vibrancy in their day to day lives. (Spoiler alert – it’s not your fault!)

The journey isn’t an easy one. It’s so much more than “eat well and workout” and there’s no one-time quick fix. True nourishment, she discovers, takes time, commitment and an understanding of the obstacles that block our energy in the first place. It is about realigning our lifestyles to that in which we thrive.

From studying the effects of the toxicity that exists in modern food chains to the disconnection to nature and our own natural rhythms, to the severe lack of community experienced by mothers around the world, she discovers a troubling realization – that the physical and mental nourishment needs of a mother are often overlooked, and worse, under-valued.

Page by page, Dr Hilary Claire peels back the layers of influence that are negatively impacting a mother’s ability to be fully nourished, both for herself and for her children, and unearths the real root causes of overwhelm, exhaustion and frustration. But she also offers a comprehensive how-to approach to help you start pushing back against these elements so that holistic nourishment, and the vibrant energy that accompanies it, can be yours.

Through this step-by-step text, you’ll learn how to realistically makeover your kitchen and foodstuffs, how to revitalize the concept of selfcare so that it suits you, how to honour your body, mind and relationships, and more, so you can prioritize your nourishment with confidence and without any of that dreaded “mom guilt."

This book is part educational text, part therapeutic experience and part radical self help designed to empower mothers everywhere as they raise the future – and thrive while doing so.

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Ready to read a book right now?


Grab a copy of the first book in the Vibrant Mamas series,
The Motherhood Reset: A Clinical Psychologist's Guide to Finding Calm, Confidence & Contentment in Motherhood


Why I wrote the Vibrant Mamas book series

I wrote this series because I know that postnatal depletion doesn’t have to be the reality for so many modern day mamas, even if it is right now. There is a better way. If this is clouding your reality, I want you to know that it doesn’t have to be part of your future.

While motherhood will always have its challenges, exhaustion and burnout are not normal, even if they are common.

My aim with these three books is to empower moms to take responsibility for their lives, prioritize their wellness and truly enjoy motherhood their own way. I want nothing more than mamas to get their spark back, be abundantly healthy and find fulfilment in their roles as moms and in every aspect of their lives. I know this is possible because I have been through it. I know you can get through it too.

Each book stands alone and can bring about massive shifts toward being more like the vibrant mama you desire to be. However, they do build upon the skills and shifts made within the previous one. You are welcome to read them in any order you prefer, but I would suggest reading The Motherhood Reset first. It will make your transition to an empowered and energetic mom as smooth and simple as possible. This book sets the groundwork for even more empowering changes to come in the second and third books in the series. 

However, please read what resonates and excited you most first. Any step forward is a positive step. There is no linear model of growth, change or abundance. Together this trilogy will support you to becoming the empowered and energetic mama you know you can be.

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