Supporting our kids with hyperactivity & inattention with Naturopath Jessica Donovan

It is so common nowadays for our kids to struggle with inattention, learning difficulties, impulsivity, low mood, hyperactivity and sensory issues. 

There is no doubt that genetics plays a role in how our brains work and neurodiversity can be an incredible thing. 

But when our kids are struggling with their mental health or exhibiting really challenging behaviour, it is natural for us as parents to want to help them. The great news is that we can! We can do so much to support our kids’ brains to work optimally. A fabulous by-product of this is that as their brains get healthier, so do their bodies. 

When our kids’ brains are supported with critical nutrients, a great wholefoods diet, plenty of time outdoors and great sleep, their behaviour improves too. This makes parenting a little easier and their day-to-day lives a little easier. 

In this podcast episode, I am joined by Naturopath Jessica Donovan. She gives us doable strategies to help support our kids brain health and lessen their struggle with inattention, hyperactivity, mood and impulsivity. 

Jessica Donovan is a Naturopath and founder of Natural Super Kids. Through her Natural Super Kids Klub membership, Jessica helps busy moms raise healthy and resilient kids. She does this by assisting them focus on one healthy change at a time. Jessica has helped hundreds of parents transform the health of their kids. 

Jessica and I chat about: 

  • What factors are impacting our kids’ health and behaviour and what we need to focus on to help them thrive in the modern world 
  • Dietary and lifestyle changes we can make to support our kids’ brains to thrive 
  • Why getting our kids outdoors more often has massive benefits for their health and behaviour 
  • Specific nutrients that are essential for our kids’ brains to function optimally and help their attention and mood 
  • Why the gut is so important for our kids’ brains and behaviour
  • Simple strategies we can implement daily to improve our kids gut health 

Episode Links:

 Listen and Subscribe to Wild + Well on: Apple Podcast | Spotify | Google Podcast



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